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Hey There!

"It's Riani. I'll be honest—I’m not a fan of sharing personal details about myself. But in the spirit of fostering a genuine connection with you, someone I truly care about, I’m ready to share a bit of my journey. Let’s dive in together!"

My Story...

​I read the final chapter of my book, "The Smiling Puppet - From Captivity to Liberty" again, which is based on a very real, and vulnerable compilation of experiences in my life, that culminated into the vision and mission God gave me for my ministry to serve you, as a counsellor-teacher, and all I could hear in my spirit was... "You're not done. The final chapter has not yet been written. You have to tell the full story before I will allow you to enjoy the fruits of My Glory.


The book ends with a new beginning and a challenge for those brave enough to accept it. The challenge is birthed out of a verse found in Proverbs 3:21 TPT. It says...


​"My child, never drift off course from these two goals for your life: to walk in wisdom and to discover your purpose.

Don't ever forget how they empower you."


So, who am I, you might wonder? This was one of the biggest, most annoying questions I have ever had to wrestle with in my life and the proper Christian answer would probably be, a child of God. While that is true, for the most part of my life, I didn't truly understand what that meant. People sang, "I'm no longer a slave to fear... I am a child of God..." in church on Sundays looking so peaceful and content,  as if those words completely saved them from the chaos that is this life. All the while I was humming along agreeably but it didn't seem to change a thing about the mess my life was, at the time. â€‹


Today however, I can shout from the rooftops that I am a fearless warrior-bride for Christ, an imperfect wifey to my heart-of-gold husband, and, an even more imperfect mom to a young queen God entrusted into our care, and I am just getting started...


I used to be the world's number one people-pleaser or Smiling Puppet. I am telling you, I could smile and fake my way through anything until, I finally "got," what it meant to be a true child (woman) of God, and I couldn't do it anymore. After having silently struggled through the effects of sexual, psychological, and spiritual abuse with a side dosis of impostor syndrome for 33-ish years, I decided that I had to "figure-out" this feeling of numbness that was constantly stirring me into action to discover who I truly was, why I was, and what it meant to be alive after all of "that". 


It took me another 7 years to figure this out, and after some serious soul searching, powerfully anointed preaching, counselling, coaching, studying and falling flat on my face a few times, completely making a fool of myself for Christ I now know that... 


Silence makes YOU Sick, but

the Truth will Set YOU Free! 


For as long as I can remember I have been told, 


"If you tell anyone about this then..."


"No one will believe you anyway..."


"If you don't say anything about this, then you are welcome here, but if you do... well... then..."


I have learned however that, there is a time and a place for everything, a time to keep silent, and a time to speak, and for me, that time is now, and that place is here... for if (I) remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the (vulnerable/the poor in spirit) will arise from another place, but (my family and I) will perish. And who knows but that (I) have come to (my) royal position for such a time as this?


I have adapted these words according to what God poured out in my spirit from the scriptures found in Ecclesiastes 3, AMP and Esther 4:14, NIV. 


And let me just say this quickly: If you are NOT a Christian and you DO NOT believe in any of this, that's OKAY! All I need you to be is curious, like I was, and to know that



I have learned that justice might not always prevail within the systemic brokenness and ignorance of this world, but it will prevail under the authority of the only righteous judge, creator and governor of this universe, because He was "there". He is your perfect witness, advocate, and judge, and He will make your innocence radiate like the dawn, and the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun. 


I decided to tell my story, to speak out, and tell the truth, NOT to cause harm or to hurt anyone, but to give those of you who have suffered in silence for too long a lasting hope in the knowing that your freedom, the liberation from being a prisoner of your past has been fully paid, and it is ready, and waiting for you to receive it, and to start walking out of it in your everyday life. I wrote the book "The Smiling Puppet - From Captivity to Liberty", my story, and created this virtual space along-side our physical place or practice,  for the person that is reading this and desperately needs a safe space to feel seen, heard, and understood. A space for a community of people like yourself who are no longer willing to suffer in silence, but to live out of the only standard of truth that promises a love, peace, and joy that you might have never known before, until now. 


I have been called, crushed, and anointed to come alongside you, and walk out your victory with you. I have gone through the pilgramage that is the experiences, the training, and the practice to become an excellent general practitioner in the fields of counselling, life-and-career coaching and Bible teaching. I am ready, willing, and waiting to serve you, and I cannot wait to start connecting with you. â€‹


I want to end this first part of our journey by telling you something extremely important. Please know that, this will always be an interactive space for us to connect, share, and grow together, towards becoming fully mature in who we were created to be, and become, lacking no good thing in our lives, and relationships. With that, be sure to keep checking in, connecting, and subscribing to ensure that you never miss out on any new opportunities, events or content. 


I am extremely excited and honored to serve you,





​PS: My Professional Portfolio can be found if you hoover over the "SERVICES" button at the top of the page. Check it out and yes, you are welcome to share it! 






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